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  • Writer's pictureNicoleMarie

He who Waits

You want to know something really cool?

Our God is a God who stays with us.

I’m talking the kind of guy who will just stand next to you, just be with you, watch the sunset, count the stars, listen to you ramble on about the weather, or what you’re learning in school. Who would join you for a meal or sit down and have a cup of tea with you.

…He’s the God too, who would hand you a tissue when you break down and cry, until you can’t hardly get a word out or a breath in.

Sometimes, when life gets a little rough, and it’s too much trouble to try to explain it all, over and over again to each person who asks, we just need someone who already knows everything. We need someone who understands fully, without us having to try to explain all the details and the different perspectives. Someone who sees the big picture, knows it all.

But also knows they don’t have to say anything either, because sometimes all you really need is just for someone to know.

That’s our God.

How do I know? Well, because I’ve asked, and I’ve felt Him there. Just standing, watching the world go by, same as me, or sitting with me on the wall as I say it all over again, knowing that He really knows it all already, but listens just the same.

But if you don’t believe me, or haven’t know that nearness yet, you don’t have to take my word for it.

Take a look at the Son of Man Himself, He draws near to us because He knows exactly what it’s like to be in our place.

My soul is sorrowful, even unto death. Remain here and keep watch. (Mark 14:34)

Christ’s request to His closest friends on Earth, His disciples, the night He faced death by crucifixion. He knew exactly what fear felt like. He knew what it was like to be alone. He knew what it was like to face the unknown.

The Son of God just asked for a friend to sit there, nearby, to just stay with Him.

So believe me, He gets it. And He’s willing to just simply sit there with you, while you tell Him everything, or nothing at all; while your heart is full of joy, or if you’re in your darkest place; when you have the firmest faith, and when you’re shaken to your very foundations. Whether you feel like you have all the friends in the world, or are really missing someone, He’s there.

He waits for you to come be with Him.

And He waits with you.


Whatever you need this week, wherever you find yourself in life, ask Him to draw near to you. And hey, maybe go grab a coffee with your Lord, because He really does want to be that close to you.

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