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  • Writer's pictureNicoleMarie

Holy Hiking

Who doesn't love the outdoors?

Well, okay... I know there are plenty of people who would rather stay inside, away from the bugs, and the dirt, and the elements. But seriously, no one can resist the feel of the sun on their face and the smell of a forest every once and awhile.

Outdoors, in the wild spaces, miles away from cell service or city noise-- this is where I feel most at home. And this is where I encounter Him.

God feels so much closer in the wild spaces. Perhaps it is the height of the mountain or the overpowering sense of awe as I survey the vista that makes me feel as if Heaven is within reach. Perhaps it is the smell of salty air and sea foam as I scramble along looking to tide pools that brings me close to the One whose very finger brought life to this planet. Perhaps it is the feel of a ice cold glacial stream on my lips as I taste the beauty of the earth, or the sound of a thousand crickets, or the touch of a butterfly's wingtip that remind me of where I am going. And sure, it just sounds like the poetic jargon of any wanna-be blogger, but it's true. There is something really special about the outdoors that reminds us of the power and beauty of the one who created it all.

How often do we take the time to realize the beauty around us? I live in the *beautiful* Arizona desert, where 75% of the year it's too hot to step outside. But recently, I have noticed little things around me that testify to the ingenuity of their Creator. Often we can get so caught up in the familiar that it no longer holds any joy for us. The desert here often seems very bland to me in comparison with the foamy beaches or snowy mountains or green forests of other places. It is harder to see beauty around me simply because I am not looking for it-- I don't expect it. But it is there, even when the only green plant is a cactus, when everything seems dry and dead, I look out and see a stunning sunset, the tiny veins on a dragonfly's wing, or the bright magenta of a saguaro fruit.

Take the night sky for example. Even if you live in a very populated area, chances are if you travel a few miles outside of the city, when you look up there will already be far more stars than you could count. There is something so beautiful about looking up into the night sky and knowing that those stars were put there for the sole purpose of giving us joy and awe when we see them. No other reason other than to please and awe his human creations. When we look into the stars we are seeing beyond-- beyond who and where we are, beyond all sense of human intuition and intellect, into something far bigger than ourselves.

Sometimes, when the weight of the world drags on you, or the monotony of everyday life just makes you feel dull, it is important to step away from all the noise and drone and be reawakened to the world around you. So take a hike! Step outside! Dance in the sun (or the rain), breathe in the night air and gaze at the stars, discover the beauty around you and remember Whose you are.

Happy Hiking!

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