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  • Writer's pictureNicoleMarie

When I Grow Up . . .

When I grow up, I want to be a saint.

When you think about it, the ultimate end of all growing up is death. And when I die, well, I want to be a saint.

The amazing thing is, there are SO many options!

You can be a doctor, a lawyer, a school librarian, a chemist and be a saint.

You can gave the highest IQ or could be illiterate and be a saint.

You could be married, a priest, a religious sister or single and be a saint.

You could be gay, bi, transgender or straight and be a saint.

You're not eliminated from the possibility of sainthood by your job, your income or how much education you've had.

Your hope for sainthood isn't determined by your success, how many people you lead, how fit you are or how long your resume is.

Sainthood is for people from every continent, of every skin color, of every ability and background. Jesus don't discriminate against people.

When I grow up, I want to be a saint.

There is no one way to be a saint.

There’s over 7 billion ways--as many ways as there are souls on this earth.

But being a saint means you have to die.

And I'm not talking about the end all be all death where we stop breathing (of course that has to happen too) but the little "deaths" between here and there. The little moments of sacrifice, the little moments of laying down one’s life for another, dying to certain desires, accepting the unknowns of careers and the future. It's dying to dreams that don't bring you closer to sainthood. It's the constant waving of our little white flags of surrender to Christ as God and King

There's no one way to be a saint.

So, will you join me?

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